
Hart Enterprises "Fly With Eagles" award citation

Congratulations! Your webpage has been selected to receive the "FLY WITH  EAGLES" award presented by HART Enterprises (
This award was implemented because in 1984, as the result of an accident while serving as an officer on active duty with the US Army, I became a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the chest down. In a veterans hospital for 10 months, I was among many young men struggling to put a sense of worth back into their lives. I  always admired our national symbol, the bald eagle, for its strength, courage and  beauty, and its ability to soar on the slightest of winds. It was what those of us in  the hospital were trying to do - muster up the strength and courage to live our lives  with the least amount of help. Now I am in a position financially, physically, and  spiritually to recognize others for their efforts. Thus, the "Fly With Eagles" award  was born. We surf the net looking for worthy web pages. And, in some cases,  web pages are recommended to us. Your respect for proper NET ETHICS and  your ability to display your webpage in a LOGICAL, INFORMATIVE, and  CREATIVE format places you among only a handful of webmasters that have  received this award.

Bruce Hart
Life Member of the Paralyzed Veterans of America